Thursday, June 10, 2010

The reason I claim saying "God exists" is no more than flicking the lips and going "bwibbuh bwibbuh" is because I cannot think about sensing anything that "God", as spoken by theists, could stand for, and thus I cannot believe anybody else can either, whether they call themselves theists, atheists, agnostics, ignostics or theological noncognitivists. Now I do know how to think of sensing unicorns, mermaids, gnomes, fairies and centaurs, even though I certainly don't believe any of these exist. Nevertheless I CAN think of these imaginary things and even draw pictures of them. But I cannot believe "God" stands for any of these or for anything at all! -- NOT EVEN ANYTHING IMAGINARY!! I cannot believe "God", when spoken by theists, is anything but a meaningless sound which they believe has meaning but which doesn't at all. I've been arguing with Ted Drange about this for years. He thinks theists can actually think of sensing something which they believe the sound "God" refers to. But for the life of me I can't believe "God" stands for anything imaginary (let alone anything real!) to even think of or even to speak of! Of course I don't believe in any gods, but what makes me different from most atheists, is that I don't believe theists do either! I don't believe theists have ever even thought of a god named "God" -- they just feel emotionally as though they have, and speak as though they have, but they haven't. Some people say atheists are people who don't believe in any gods, but as far as I'm concerned that would include all theists! For they only think "God" stands for something they worship, but since they can't think of anything "God" stands for, it doesn't stand for anything at all. They can only speak meaningless nonsense like "God is defined as the creator of the universe". So I say theists are not people who believe in a god, but people who are simply deluded by a meaningless sound, and only believe that they believe in a god -- but they don't because they can't think of any god named "God" to believe in.

Edwin McCravy


  1. You said of me (Ted Drange) that I "think that theists can actually think of sensing something which they believe the sound 'God' refers to." That is incorrect. I do NOT think that. I doubt that many theists have any definite beliefs at all about what the sound "God" might refer to. They do occasionally use that sound in everyday discourse, but not in the sort of way that you are describing here. There is a meaning there. (It's not like flicking the lips and going "bwibbuh bwibbuh.") But it is not as distinct a meaning as would be involved in actually visualizing a definite referent for the term.

  2. Why should I believe that you are able to think of sensing anything that you believe adult theists believe the row of letters "God" represents -- Because you say you can? Sorry, that's not good enough reason.

    Edwin McCravy
